
OpenMPT Random Automation Generator


This is a strictly utilitarian, but very useful little tool which allows you to generate rows of effects commands following various waveshapes and automatically copy them to your clipboard, which can then be pasted directly into OpenMPT.

One of the waveforms available is random noise, so if used along with the T command, it can be used to generate random tempos, for example; which is the application for which I have used it the most so far. Of course other things like pitch or volume movements are also possible, and classic cyclical LFO effects as well, with random noise optionally mixed in. To a certain extent, this can be used to make up for the randomness effects that many other trackers have, but which OpenMPT is lacking!

As I often use this program myself, it is due to be further updated in the future. Ideally, it should just have been a tool which could have run on this webpage itself, but some browsers do not allow automatic access to the clipboard, therefore, it has to suffice as a downloadable Windows application.

Download! (Windows)

output example
output example with triangle waveform, period 16