
Forest Path

Cookies and tangerines are such fitting foods for a fox.

This was supposed to be a soundtrack for a video game I made, which was cancelled, however the prototype for it can now be played as one of the minigames in Spring Game 45-in-1.
It is kind of a mixture of the more folk-like Pastorale style with the more synthy stuff like Big Lemon, and I used more advanced chords than usual here, the reason for which I cannot remember, but I guess it is simply due to whimsy!

On Cookie, the main character:

A character I witnessed in a dream. An anthropomorphic cookie of a peculiar shape, she is eager, enthusiastic, and curious.
Unfortunately, she is cursed to simply be a tool for human pleasure, without even any significant nutritional value, or even any semblance of purpose beyond vulgar pleasure. How would it feel to have such little dignity, to exist only for the benefit of a higher creature's digestive system? Not even a prey that fights for survival, but a processed food item that can easily be consumed in droves with next to no effort?
She escaped along the forest path along with her friends Gumdrop, Cupcake, and Pinecone. Unfortunately she lacks legs and has to inch herself slowly across the ground with her stubby feet.

This cover art was painted by myself.