
Confessions of A Spastic Monkey Brain

It howls all day long.

So now we have this.

As the title says, this album is based in various obsessive thoughts and emotions, and animal-like tendencies that I experience all the time, though this is not neccessarily evident just by listening to the music.

"The Rains Come Again" is about anxiety when listening to rain, "What About Tomorrow?" is about fear of the future, "A Girlfriend Would Make A Good Status Symbol" is about exactly what the title says it is. While it was useful inspiration, working on this album did nothing to alleviate all these nasty thoughts, not that I expected it to! But at least some half decent music came out of it. Once again, though - a bit too much tinkering with plugins, which distracts from the fundamentals of music, so it's important to keep that tendency in check. I ended up learning that from this project.

The cover art was painted by the amazing Lura Harenose. For some reason, he felt like including all sorts of odd references in there, which you can have fun trying to find.